Опубліковано масштабний злив GTA VI: розкрито персонажів, місце дії, сюжет майбутньої гри
Зовсім недавно в одному із сабредітів, присвячених Grand Theft Auto з'явився великий злив деталей, стосовно GTA VI. Показано значну кількість сюжетних моментів, нових персонажів та місце в якому відбуватиметься дія гри.
Масштабний витік даних щодо майбутньої GTA VI: герої, сюжет та місце дії.
Будь-який злив може бути і фейковим, адже ми уже бачили один дуже правдоподібний злив, стосовно ремастера Mass Effect, який на жаль був дуже далеким від правди, хоча дані, які опублікували про GTA 6 не схожі на фейк, адже доволі детально описують майбутню гру.
Із цікавого:
Нас знову очікує історія про трьох персонажів.
- Роуз - вовк в овечій шкурі. Працюючи копом вона займається кримінальщиною, пов'язаною із наркотиками та будує власну наркоімперію.
- Рікардо - її антипод. В минулому він був агентом, який боровся з наркокартелями.
- Кейсі - звичайний боксер, у якого є багацько кримінальних зв'язків, та безпринципний характер.
Місцем дії стане штат Ліберті, який включатиме такі міста, як Вайс-Сіті, Коттонмаус та Карцер-Сіті. А також плануються декілька епіздочиних місій в Латиській Америці.
У грі будуть присутні елементи буденного життя, та потреба в їжі, догляді за тілом та сні. Наркотики даватимуть тимчасовий бонус до вмінь, але на довгій дистанції шкодитимуть організму.
З'являється механіка кредиту. Якщо його не виплатити протягом 7 днів, то героя черкатиме поліція або колектори.
В гру вводяться механіки стелсу, який дозволить залишатися непомітним для поліцейських, скоюючи вбивства. Гравцю доведеться ховати тіла та докази в спеціальних місцях.
Звіт включає дані, зібрані протягом багатьох років від тестувальників, розробників та наближених до них людей.
Також було злито безліч сюжетних подробиць, марки майбутніх автомобілів, радіостанції, описи персонажів, систему поведінки штучного інтелекту та місії і види активності, які з'являться в GTA 6 Online.
А ще зазначається, що розробники поки відтягують з релізом гри, і зовсім не через її технічний стан. Справа в тому, що GTA VI, за словами інсайдерів - цілковитий некст-ген проект. Її неможливо випустити на консолях минулого покоління та слабких ПК. Саме тому розробники очікують того моменту, коли в геймерів на руках з'явиться "продуктивне залізо" та консолі нового покоління, які зараз є великим дефіцитом.
Повну версію можна прочитати за посиланням.
Доповнення до витоку даних про майбутню GTA VI
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Twitter: @GTA_VI_Leak
Lastly, I have plenty of other posts with more information. To make sense of some of my post, you may need to read my others (or the mega doc).
Most of Rose’s police story missions are triggered from her office.
Rose can take ‘patrol’ calls from her car; calls that don’t necessarily relate to Vice. These dispatch calls are entirely optional.
Steve’s weapon of choice is a pump action shotgun which he calls his “dumpy”.
Los Santos is said to have turned into a ‘warzone’, a reference to GTAO characters (in my opinion).
Rockstar has big plans for an optional subscription service for GTA VI’s online.
Rose doesn’t know which of the characters killed Arthur and never asks.
MISSION SPOILER: After the player helps helps Steve with some repo jobs, he and Phil accompany the trio to South America to run guns to the US for El Tercer Ojo. Rose sits in the back of a helicopter with Phil and a pilot while Steve, Ricardo and Casey load a crate of guns. Steve tests out a V2 SMG, commenting that it shoots “faster than Ramadan”. A combined army of Los Perros Locos and military soldiers start shooting snipers. The pilot takes off, leaving Steve, Casey and Ricardo who get into an SUV, heading for the shore. The military and cartel members chase the car, driven by Steve, while Casey and Ricardo start shooting from either side. Rose and Phil (who comments he’s “never shot a gun before”) cover them from the sky against helicopters and SUVs. At the shore, Steve, Casey and Ricardo get into the helicopter and they fly to the Glazers. During the mission, you’re free to switch between the three characters.
Grand Theft Auto VI has been designed with full local and online cooperative support in mind, allowing missions to be individually replayed with multiple players.
When replaying missions individually, the mission is timed, allowing you to compare your mission times on private and global leaderboards on your platform.
Leaderboards are separate for solo and cooperative play. I’m unsure if they’re further separated by targeting mode.
Playable characters will dress differently when wealthy vs poor.
When poor, Ricardo will wear cargo pants and T-shirts.
When wealthy, Ricardo will wear a shirt with slacks or a Hawaiian shirt with shorts.
When poor, Casey will wear a leather jacket with jeans or a T-shirt with sweatpants.
When wealthy, Casey will wear a two piece suit or casual designer clothes.
When poor, Rose will wear skinny jeans with a collared blouse or a fitted tank top with denim shorts.
When wealthy, Rose will wear a blouse with a pencil skirt / slacks or a contouring dress.
Rose will always choose to wear aviator sunglasses unless removed by the player when wearing uniform or regular attire. When dressing up for a date or event, she will not choose to wear them.
Excluding her uniform, Rose will wear heels with almost every outfit.
Casey likes sneakers, usually preferring white Eris lows.
When poor Ricardo will opt for combat boots.
Casey prefers simple black and white clothes.
Ricardo prefers colorful clothes.
Rose prefers white and beige clothes.
Casey is 6’3” (191cm).
Ricardo is 5’11” (180cm).
Rose is 5’10” (178cm).
Rose wears a 32C.
In an early interaction, Rose mocks Ash for “wearing the same padded bra since tenth grade.”
Rose suggests (jokes?) her parents were cruel for giving Asherah a “hipster name”.
Rose’s station is a fairly tall multi floor building. The first / ground floor is the reception with an elevator you can use. You can also just take the stairs. The next floor is the patrol department. The floor above that is the traffic department. Above that is the vice department. Above that is the homicide department. Above that are offices (Captain, therapist, etc). The basement floor houses the armory and leads to the underground garage.
You can access other departments’ floors and interact with the staff.
When talking to the lieutenants of other departments, Rose can offer her help.
Offering your help to the homicide lieutenant allows you to hunt down and catch the serial killer.
Rose’s missions will have her work with the FIB (FBI), IAA (CIA), FAT (ATF) and DOA (DEA).
The FIB and IAA have a strong rivalry and will comment negatively on each other. The VCPD also dislike the FIB for their unwanted involvement in police cases.
One of Rose’s officers, ‘Smithy’, is goofy, lazy and unintelligent, but sometimes comes in useful due to his street smarts. When Rose shows her surprise in those moments he responds jokingly with phrases along the lines of ‘come on, you act like I’m FIB’; suggesting the VCPD see the FIB as useless idiots.
In previous posts I’ve said you can go to prison, but apparently you can only go to one of the large jail complexes. If you don’t break out, Rose will eventually have you released.
There in an interaction menu (unsure if this is the name given to it in VI, but it’s what I’ll use to avoid confusion).
The interaction menu is a lot more compact, with the more relevant commands being reachable very quickly.
On PC, you can keybind interaction menu commands.
When Rose is wearing heels, she can quickly flick them off through the interaction menu, granting you better mobility in chases or shootouts.
If Rose’s heels aren’t picked up again, they will be lost and she’ll need to rebuy them.
Animations are different depending on foot ware. For example, Rose moves differently in heels and characters move differently, showing signs of discomfort, when not wearing shoes.
Rose can change her nail size and shape at salons.
Rose can have her fingernails and toenails painted at salons.
When removing glasses, your characters physically removed them and place them in a pocket.
When using your phone, your character physically removes it from their pockets and places it back there when finished.
If Rose is wearing a dress, skirt or other pocketless outfit, she will remove items from, or place them into, her purse or bra.
Rose can wear padded, push up, bullet and sports bras to alter the appearance of her breasts.
Some cars have cruise control that can be turned on, off and changed from the interaction menu.
Cruise control does not automatically adjust to the speed limit of the road you’re on, so you’ll need to adjust it manually.
Since there’s been some confusion in my previous descriptions; Rose’s default hair is chestnut with bronde ends and goes down to her hips. That’s the best descriptor I can give from what I’ve seen, unfortunately.
Ricardo’s hair is brown but graying.
Makeup options for Rose include; foundation, mascara, concealer, blush, lipstick, highlighter, eyeliner, pencil, eyeshadow and false lashes. She does not need to (and cannot) use primer.
Makeup is done manually from Rose’s bathroom (not bedroom), is infinite and appears automatically in all of Rose’s residential properties.
There are different types (matte, gloss, etc.) and colors of each makeup type.
For pre-set makeup looks Rose must visit a salon.
MISSION SPOILER: In one mission, the trio - including Rose who can’t swim and has thalassophobia - and Camila, an anti-cartel freedom fighter, scuba dive to a yacht, kill the bosses on board and sink it. When swimming back, Rose, who tails far behind the other three, runs out of oxygen. Ricardo saves her after she falls unconscious. When playing the mission as Rose, your movement becomes awkward and unpredictable. You slowly lose consciousness and become stuck in first person. You regain consciousness on the shore. When playing as Casey, you swim back with Camila, unaware of Rose. As Ricardo, you notice and pull her back to shore.
Wearing excessive makeup to work as Rose will have her reprimanded by the captain.
Not wearing uniform to work as Rose will have her reprimanded and make police missions and activities unavailable.
After her promotion to captain, Rose will wear a skirt suit to work, but police activities will be available in any smart attire or her uniform.
After her promotion to captain, the rank insignia on her uniform will change.
Ramón has a teardrop tattoo on his face.
Riding a motorcycle in Cottonmouth will have the Angels of Death confront or attack the character.
Online, sporting events will be shown each week during the season on TV. These events will be promoted via Rockstar’s social media channels, and you’ll be able to watch along live with your favorite streamers on Facebook, YouTube and Twitch. Bets can be placed in game on the outcomes. Repeats are shown on TV on the sports channel until the next game(s).
Interestingly, despite Casey’s description of a bloodthirsty psychopath, I’m discovering that he’s actually less likely than Ricardo to shoot innocents, for example:
MISSION SPOILER: In the heist ‘Pharmaceutical Solutions’, if Ricardo shoots one of the armed gunmen, it’s Steve, not Casey, who will shoot the other. If Casey shoots a gunman, Ricardo will shoot the other.
If Ricardo shoots an incapacitated crewmate, Casey will shout that he “didn’t have to do that”.
MISSION SPOILER: On the mission ‘Pharmaceutical Solution’, if the player chooses to shoot the armed gunmen, Rose will vomit at the crime scene. When she reunites with the crew, she’ll slap Casey (believing him to have done it regardless of who did) and respond angrily to the killings.
Although they do smuggle drugs, El Tercer Ojo’s main business is selling guns and ammunition to Cottonmouth’s chapter of the Angels of Death.
MISSION SPOILER: One mission has the trio disrupt an arms deal between the Angels of Death and terrorist organization Al-Husan in a forest dear Cottonmouth. You can play the mission one of two ways; Casey and Ricardo dress as VCPD and the three drive to the meet before Al-Husan get there or you can wait and ambush the meeting from the cover of the trees. If you choose the first option, the plan goes wrong and the Angels of Death start shooting as soon as you arrive on the scene, leaving all three characters pinned behind Rose’s car with nothing but police weapons (Cock 9mm pistols and whichever weapon, if any, Rose has in her car). If you choose the second option it goes as planned, but you have to take out the AODs and the terrorists.
While Rockstar’s main priority is still the single player experience, the new online system provides a great way for them to capitalize on the popularity of the role-playing market while also allowing the player the freedom offered by GTAO.
The inaccessibility of the XS and PS5 consoles and current lack of their widespread adoption was an unforeseen hinderance that is likely to impact the release date. It’s important the game releases to a wide audience. The game’s release on Xbox One and PS4 consoles is “an impossibility”.
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition was an embarrassment to Rockstar they’re determined not to repeat. GTA VI is being developed in-house and will be released complete without the need for patches, even if this means delaying the release.
Casey will become extremely angry if he loses at games and sports.
PLOT SPOILER: At some point in the story, Los Perros Locos become aware of Rose’s involvement and occupation and send their best sicario after her, forcing Rose to make Ash and Clara hide out in the cafe (I’m unaware if they know of, or ever learn of, Rose’s criminal activities). They spend a portion of the story living in the cafe.
POSSIBLE RED DEAD REDEMPTION III SPOILER: Theres legend of two rival towns in the Wild West period (definitely pre-RDR2) whose inhabitants and Sheriffs had some kind of deadly rivalry. That’s all I know. It’s possible this could tease or relate to a future Red Dead title, or it could just be a myth.
In game, Ramón’s Magnum revolver is called the “Chekhov .44”.
Tony’s sidearm is modelled off a SIG P365 and is called the “P3N-15”.
In game, Rose’s Glock 45 sidearm is delightfully called the “Cock 9mm”.
If the player helps Steve with enough repo jobs, he’ll give them the number of his contact “Double Barrel” Darrel.
True to his nickname, Darrel’s weapon of choice is a unique double barrel shotgun.
There are no mandatory missions for or with Double Barrel Darrel, but he can be used as a crew member for heists.
Double Barrel Darrel is expensive, demanding $100,000 upfront (in addition to a cut of the score), but is the most naturally skilled crew member available in combat.
If Double Barrel Darrel dies, the player will get a call from Steve saying they’ve put him “in the shit” and his boss will be “fucking raging”.
While the option to own pets has been removed, Ramón apparently owns a dog (I’m unaware if this was changed after pets were removed or if it’s now just an exclusive feature for Ramón).
POTENTIAL PLOT SPOILER: Over my time working on the project, and particularly these past few months, I’ve been learning about a lot of side characters. I’ve rarely mentioned them unless necessary to a particular fact, but it’s becoming more and more apparent that these characters are far deeper intertwined in the story than I’d initially thought, and that not including them may have been a big mistake on my part. It’s quickly becoming clear that characters and that initially seemed insignificant (like Camila, or Lyssa Clarissa and Rose’s love of her music) are very important for large parts of the story. It’s quickly become apparent that despite Rose and Ash’s relationship being rocky at the beginning (potentially due to the event I mentioned in my last single player post?) Rose is actually rather family oriented and her family (Ash, Clara and, to a lesser extent, Damon) are actually very important to her and large amounts of Rose’s arc are spent providing for her family or protecting them from the consequences of the life she’s chosen. I’d usually ask something like this in a poll on Twitter, but there’s far too much information here for Twitter’s character limit. I’m not sure how many people read the plot and mission spoilers, and please don’t just because of this point if you wouldn’t have otherwise, but if you do I’d appreciate it if you’d let me know whether or not to mention side characters I hear of in the future, even if I don’t have much information on them at the time. Characters I’ve previously thought too insignificant to mention (or only mentioned very little of) but it’s becoming apparent they’re vital to the story include: Bella Ortiz, Steve, Phil, Camila, Damon, Clara, Ash, “Double Barrel” Darrel, Leilani, Karma, Raul, Siobhan, Muhammad Al Khabib, “The Animal”, Ryker, Sergeant Jose Vasquez, Officer Reynolds, ‘Smithy’, Officer Tavarez. The next ten points are briefly talking about some of the characters I haven’t spoken about before, so feel free to skip them if you’re not interested in side characters.
Damon is Clara’s father.
Leilani is Damon’s sister. She’s good with computers.
Bella Ortiz Los Perros Locos’ top sicario.
Camila is a freedom fighter whose small crew fights against Los Perros Locos’ reign and political influence in South America.
Karma is briefly a girlfriend of Casey’s. She’s a stripper and can be used in some missions to ‘distract’ guards.
Raul is a Romanian-English crime Lord who “controls Britain’s drug trade”. He’s a contact of Ricardo and sends Phil and Steve to help him out. He’s also somehow involved in the illegal arms trade in Europe.
”The Animal”, “Double Barrel” Darrel, Siobhan, Ryker, Steve and Phil are all English or Irish gangsters who work for Raul.
Muhammad Al Khabib is the leader of the Al-Husan terrorist organization. Al-Husan largely finance their activities through the illegal arms trade and network with Raul’s gang, the Angels of Death and El Tercer Ojo.
Sergeant Jose Vasquez is Rose’s right hand man on the force and the closest thing she has to a friend.
Officers Reynolds, Smithy and Tavarez are VCPD officers in Rose’s department.
Despite his strong connections to various people organizations, Ricardo holds no loyalty for any of them. For example;
PLOT SPOILER: Even though Ricardo (the entire trio, but I’m focusing on Ricardo because they’re his connections) works with Al-Husan and the Angels of Death because his new relationship with El Tercer Ojo is important, he still engages in missions that involve killing or robbing them without a second thought and can go to war with El Tercer Ojo after competing the story. Similarly, even though Raul sends him men to help, Ricardo still robs and kills Al-Husan members who are vital to Raul’s operations, even killing “Double Barrel” Darrel if he becomes incapacitated on a heist.
Nothing and nobody terrifies Ricardo as much as Bella Ortiz.
In a cutscene in the cafe, Ricardo tells a story of when Bella Ortiz and her soldiers slaughtered an entire village of innocent just to take out one guy.
It seems the trio are more individually rounded than my posts may have made them seem. Casey’s psychopathic traits sound (in my unprofessional opinion) like they’re presenting more as anger issues and insecurities than psychopathy. Rose may not be quite as self absorbed and uncaring about others as I’d thought; she does seem to genuinely care deeply about Clara and Ash (possibly Arthur and Damon) and, if the player kills the guards in Pharmaceutical Solutions, reacts poorly to seeing the consequences her actions had on human life (if only for a short time). Similarly, it’s becoming clear that Ricardo may not be the ‘good guy’ of the three and is actually far worse morally than Casey and Rose and is just able to hide it better.
In shootouts, Steve will sometimes shout “don’t fuck with the repo man”.
If Casey calls Rose too much she’ll tell him to “get a job” and block his number for a while.
I don’t know what any of the side characters look like, but I’ve been told Bella Ortiz looks like Leah Shutkever, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Kim Kardashain and “hot” with a slit eyebrow, side braids and dark lipstick and eyeshadow. Siobhan is middle age and Darrel is short, obese, in his 50s and missing most his teeth. Not much to go on but I thought I’d include these.
Steve described ‘Double Barrel’ Darrel as having “more chins than brain cells”.
There’s a masked ‘superhero’ vigilante in Liberty City who helps people with minor inconveniences. He has a few news interviews on TV. Later in the game, it’s possible to read a news article that mentions he was stabbed to death after confronting a small time drug dealer.
Ryker works security at one of The Animal’s nightclubs and helps do some work for Tony and Lyssa Clarissa.
Most of the English and Irish characters dip in and out of the story for long periods of time as they split their time between countries.
Steve often makes inappropriate comments to Rose. In an early encounter, he says, “don’t worry, love, you can handcuff me as tight as you want”.
After Steve makes an inappropriate comment to Rose and Ash, suggesting they should make a “Yank sandwich” and implying he’ll be “the meat in the middle”, Rose has the option to arrest him, slap him or let the comment slide. If she chooses the first, she arrests him, citing a ‘minor drinking offence’ and releases him the next day.
Many crew members will require an upfront fee in addition to, or in lieu of, a cut of the final score, should there be any.
Crew members will be unavailable for another job until they’re repaid. The finale is also unavailable until all crew members have been repaid.
The museum displays a famous gunslinger’s revolver that matches one of Micah Bell’s revolvers.
Some more hip hop legends are working with Rockstar, possibly including Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Ice-T and DJ Pooh.
Large amounts of South America are legally restricted (being seen in those areas will be treated with lethal aggression).
In South America there are no police. Instead, the military police the state. These soldiers are the most aggressive law enforcement in the game by a large margin. They may respond with legal aggression immediately if the player is seen entering a restricted area or is not complying.
The South American state (which I’m starting to think may be a fictional country) is said to have not long come out of a brutal civil war. The current regime is oppressive and works closely with Los Perros Locos (LPL bring money into the area {and likely into the pockets of the politicians} so the government completely turns a blind eye to their actions). In some instances, they cooperate as a single force with LPL helping to police the country and guard restricted areas and the government supplying them with weapons and occasionally aiding in combat in their own country (like in the mission mentioned earlier).
In addition to artefacts previously mentioned (revolver, UFO, etc.) the museum has throwbacks to many past Rockstar titles, including those from the 3D era. These are likely meant to serve as nostalgic callbacks rather than implying everything took place in the same universe.
Ash lives out of motels and has no fixed address the player can visit. After Rose takes over the cafe legally, she hires Ash as the manager. During business hours, Ash and Clara can be found in the cafe.
Rose explains away Casey and Ricardo to Ash as her “business partners”, implying they’re at the cafe so much because they’re part owners.
Casey can hit on Ash.
There’s a film called ‘VICE’ produced by Michael De Santa.
Ramón’s last name is Rodriguez.
Ramón’s wife’s (or fiancé’s, I’m not sure) name is Maria (not to be confused with the sports team director).
Rose swears constantly.
After being knocked unconscious or shot in the head, characters will sometimes fence.
Rose sometimes talks to herself.
Rose is extremely sarcastic, something Ricardo struggles to understand.
Cars do not despawn. I’ve mentioned that in the past and also mentioned that the police may impound them depending on where they were left, but I have new information to add to that; it is possible for your cars to be stolen, but this is different from despawning. Your exact car will be assigned to some NPC somewhere, likely in neighbourhoods with high crime rates. You may see a Vagos member driving around in that sports car you left somewhere a week ago, or you could be driving around and see it parked outside someone’s house.
Rose can use the VCPD computer to search license plates. Again, I’ve mentioned that in the past, but I have more to add; it doesn’t just show the owner. Cameras around the map catalogue licence plates and the VCPD computer can be used to find the last know location. This may not be exactly where you’ll find the car, but it will be the most recent time it was spotted on camera. This is also true for player owned vehicles and can be used to help locate them.
Rose can view real time footage of all traffic cameras in Vice City.
Carcer City feels empty. Compared to the other cities which are bursting with life, Carcer City has less traffic density than Los Santos. It feels like a place people don’t want to be.
Police presence is almost non existent in Carcer City and response times take longer (if they show up at all). If police do show up, they are the most aggressive of all police forces in the game (excluding the military in South America).
The South American town looks like a Brazilian favela. To differentiate it from the US towns, I will refer to it as ‘the favela’ going forwards.
Following the mission Pharmaceutical Solutions, the trio gain access to a van. This van can be used as a personal vehicle when getting around as Ricardo or Casey and can be customized and parked outside the cafe (safe area; will not be impounded).
Weapons can be wall mounted in the cafe/HQ. Calling the Angels of Death can have them deliver ammo crates to the HQ for a price.
There is a small Amish settlement in Liberty State.
Characters squint when looking at something bright and may use their hands to block their eyes from the light source.
Glabellar lines, crow’s feet and frown lines become more or less visible depending on facial expression and their level of prominence changes from character to character. For Rose, makeup can reduce their prominence.
There are thousands of facial animations, realistic bone and muscular shapes and movements, and blends that merge seamlessly into each other. Skin looks like it’s attached to muscle and body animations match facial ones. When characters interact with objects and each other, their geometries deform. Lip syncing, muscle movements and tongue contortion is realistic. Fat and skin acts realistically. All of this is in an attempt to make characters look as realistic as possible while escaping the uncanny valley.
Pupils react realistically to light, as well as drug use.
South America juxtaposes some of the most corrupt and despicable human actions in the GTA series with some of the most beautiful tropical scenery every created.
Online, physique affects your stats. Being skinny will make you most susceptible to damage and is the weakest body-type but has the most stamina. Being overweight will cause you to have the least stamina but is least susceptible to damage with medium strength. Being muscly will make you the strongest with medium stamina and health. This is a simplification of the extremes.
You do not need to sleep online but will gradually lose health if you don’t eat.
Online, male characters are superior athletically to their female counterparts of the same height and body-type.
Online, each of the four characters have their own fighting styles and hold their weapons differently (similar to the story characters).
Weazel News is hosted by fictional characters Jack Meehoff and Mike Oxlong.
Jack Meehoff and Mike Oxlong are involved in numerous sexual scandals the player can read and hear about and their reportings are apparently filled with sexual undertones and innuendos . It’s implied these have been covered up by Weazel Network, possibly in parody of the BBC’s numerous covered up sexual abuse scandals.
There is a donut shop across the street from Rose’s station and Rockstar use every opportunity to milk the stereotype
Apparently Lyssa Clarissa sounds like Audra Mae and looks like a cross between Scarlett Johansson and Nova Rockafeller. Platinum hair.
Rose can get a wanted level outside of her jurisdiction.
Rose is an atheist, labelling religion “make believe”.
You can still do repo work for Steve when he’s out of the country.
You cannot gain a wanted level on a private island any of your characters own.
If Rose is arrested outside Vice City, she will be taken to her own station and reprimanded.
It’s said that the South American government is taxing the citizens into poverty.
There are treasures that can be found in some restricted areas in South America.
When finding treasures (gold, diamonds, etc.) a small quantity can be carried. These can be stored in crates at the HQ. If you find the right contacts, these can be sold for significant profit.
Diamonds can be sold to a Jewish mobster in Liberty City after Karl Von Crastenburg’s death (only true if Casey is on good terms with Vivian Von Crastenburg). I don’t know which contacts will buy other treasures.
Rose can equip squad cars (including her own) with a shotgun or assault rifle and body armor. These are stored in the trunk which must be opened to collect them in the field.
Ось такий чималий злив ми можемо переглянути. Схоже, що незабаром нас дійсно очікує більше офіційної інформації про гру, адже розробники будуть змушені якось відреагувати на такий витік.
Крім того, людина, яка опублікувала цю інформацію, робила таке і раніше, і її прогнози та інсайди були правдивими.






